Transfer files to Owncloud

Transfer files to Owncloud

Air Cluster supports the most important clouds and also WebDav, SFTP and the opensource software applications Nextcloud and Onwcloud. With Owncloud, you can have your own cloud storage service and you can manage the files saved in it with Air Cluster.

You can add your Owncloud account in Air Cluster and work with it or, add your account to the rest of the cloud accounts you have and then create your own high-capacity cloud.

To add your Owncloud account, first you can create a new cluster or choose one to which you want to add the Owncloud account.

Once the cluster is chosen, select the Owncloud icon and add the required data. Check the Owncloud documentation to look for the name of your server.

When the Onwcloud account is added, you can monitor how much space you have to save files and folders or make backups in the cluster.

To upload the files to Owncloud, you can just drag from the Windows Exporer to Air Cluster or, copy and paste in Air Cluster. The software also allows you to synchronize with your local disk or with another clouds and encrypt when you are uploading the files to Owncloud.


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